A Letter to a Friend

Posted by Raina Ivanovna Petrova Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Nadia Sharapova
67 Windmill Ave.
New York, NY 90684

Dear Nadia,
It’s been so long since I’ve heard from you, so I thought I’d just write you a letter to see how you are and what life in the States is like. I have so many questions for you. What are the people like? How’s the food? Is it as incredible as people say it is? How about New York City? I can’t believe you’re all the way over there, so far from Russia.
I don’t think I would be brave enough to leave my family and life over here behind to go explore a new land. It must be so hard! I can’t imagine how much life is different from over here. I don’t even know what I would pack.
Let’s see, I would bring pictures of all my family and friends, since there are the most important things to me in the whole world. We, Russians, love each other! It would be too quiet without Mama, Papa, and Aleksi always babbling on about their days and making noise going about their chores. And I can’t even begin to imagine school without Maria. Your sister and I are so close and constantly whispering in the hallways and chatting about school and life, and boys, of course. Just last weekend, we took a trip to the St. Petersberg and made a special stop at the Gostiny Dvor for some amazing shopping. Maria and I just couldn’t believe how quickly the fashions change. But anyways, back to my packing list.
I wouldn’t be able to leave home without all my schoolbooks and some favorites by Tolstoy and Pushkin to keep my mind entertained when those textbooks put me to sleep. But, I really couldn’t do without my schoolwork. Education is so important if I want to pursue my dream of being a scientist and finding the cure for AIDS. Ambitious, I know, but it could save so many lives in Russia and around the world.
Oh, and music. There’s no way I could survive without my music, an eclectic mix from t.A.T.u. to Stravinksy. I would go crazy if I couldn’t bring it with me because it’s one of the most calming things in the world to me. It’s the only thing that can put me in a good mood after a bad day.
To survive in another land, I would also need my comfortable clothes. No one does the cold like us, and I’m sure no one makes fur hats and coats like we do, either. I bet it doesn’t get as cold in New York as it does in Siberia in the winter. Brrr.
And what better to keep warm than some home cooked food and vodka! I’m sure Americans can’t cook like Mama can. That would be impossible. I don’t know what I would do without her cooking. I hope I never have to find out.
After making this list, I can see how hard it was for you to go to the States. I hope you’re enjoying every second of it and can’t wait to see you when you get back. The Mariinsky has a new ballet coming out that we should all go see!
Have fun and be safe!


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