Evacuation information

Posted by General Goldfinger Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Memo for the public: February 16th, 2011
Marshall Law has been implemented in NYC and an evacuation plan has been complied for each burrow, it is necessary to remain calm and move in an orderly fashion. The roads have been closed with road blocks and National Guard units in place. The Navy and Coast Guard will be working together to set up evacuation points in Newark, Staten Island, and Manhattan. The subways and railways will still be running.
What is Martial Law?
The concept of martial law c in the USA is closely tied with the right of habeas corpus. Habeas corpus is the right to a hearing on lawful imprisonment, meaning the supervision of law enforcement by the judiciary. The ability to suspend habeas corpus is often equated with martial law. Article 1, Section 9 of the U.S. Constitution states, "The Privilege of the Writ of Habeas Corpus shall not be suspended, unless when in Cases of Rebellion or Invasion the public Safety may require it."
The National Guard is an exception. Unless a guard unit is federalized they are under the control of state governors. This was changed briefly: Public Law 109-364, or the "John Warner Defense Authorization Act of 2007,” which was signed by President Bush on October 17, 2006. This allows the President to declare a public emergency and station troops anywhere in the USA. This entails taking control of the state based National Guard units without the consent of the governor or local authorities. Army units can function as National Guard Units within the borders of the USA, if the governor of a city declares a state of emergency troops can come in to help.
Important Notes
• Take only what you can carry with you.
• Follow your specific burrow evacuation plan
• The roads in certain parts of the city will be blocked only drive if directed to
• The meteors will not strike for some time; there is no need for panic


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