Japan's populace

Posted by The J-Pop Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Population: over 126 million, while approx. 12 million live in the capital city
Capital: Tokyo, one of the largest metropolitan area in the world

Only 1 official language spoken- Japanese
Many Japanese are able to understand English (more or less) due to it being a requirement in their compulsory education. Japanese is written with a combination of 3 scripts: hiragana, katakana, and karyi.

Labor force (as of 2009): 62.82 million: 36.44 million males, 26.38 million females)
Unemployment rate: 5.1 %

Means of communication- cellphones: 10.6 million, telephone: 38.8 million, snail mail: 21.2 billion, telegram: 15.9 million
Broadband subscribers (March ‘09): 30.3 million
Average TV viewing hrs/day: M-F= 3 hrs, 4m S=4hrs, 25m
Average radio listening hrs/day: M-F= 38m S= 25m
# of cable TV subscribers: 31.3 million households

Music: Japanese music is composed from traditional Buddhist chanting, orchestra court music, folk and classical music as well as modern electro-pop, club, R&B, and dance music. After WWII Japan’s music scene was heavily influenced by American and European modern music, which eventually lead to popularity of Japanese pop, or J-pop. Karaoke is a popular cultural activity, where local and mainstream music is heard. Japan has the second largest music market in the world (America is the largest). A form of Japanese drumming, called Taiko, has become widely popular in folk and music festivals.

Literature: Early Japanese literature was strongly influenced by other cultures such as India, China, even Buddhism. Eventually, Japan developed their own separate literature style where authors created their own works. Post WWII deeply influenced many authors.

Sports: Sumo wrestling is traditionally Japans national sport. Martial arts such as Judo, Karate, and Kendo are all widely practiced. Japan has hosted 1 summer Olympics and 2 winter Olympics. Baseball (a professional league started in 1936) is the most popular spectator sport. Football, or soccer, has gained wide recognition over the past few years. Golf is another rising sport in Japan as well as forms of auto racing and motor sports, such as drifting.

Arts: Japans traditional woodblock printing fused with Western art to help create Manga; a Japanese comic book art format. Anime is manga-influenced animation for TV/films.
Visual Arts: Painting, Calligraphy, scuplture, Ukiyo-e (woodblock prints) and Ikebana (flower arranging). The publishing of film/video, music, and gaming industries making up the growing modernized culture of Japan that is estimated to be worth (in ‘06) close to 400 billion US dollars.

Cuisine: Known for its emphasis on quality ingredients and presentation, Japanese cuisine relies a great deal on seasonal foods for their meals. During the ancient era, Japan shifted into an agricultural society where rice cultivation began. Since then rice has been the preferred staple of their diet. Noodles and bread are also among the most common national foods in Japan. Seafood, chicken, and vegetables are commonly used ingredients. It’s customary to say “Itadakimasu” [I humbly receive] before starting to eat a meal.

72.876 trillion yen= size of leisure related industry
Dining out: 73.7 million people
Domestic Leisure trips: 60.2 million people
Driving: 51.4 million people
Lottery: 45.6 million people


  1. The J-Pop Says:
  2. Religion-
    Many people don’t associate themselves exclusively with a single religion, they incorpirate elements of a varity of religions known as Shinbutsu Shugo: Ending in 1886 with the Shinto and Buddhism Separation order-practices still continue today. Shinto and Buddhism are best understood as being single, complex religious systems. Full religious freedom is allowed to be practiced. Minority religions such as Christianity, Islam, and Sikhism are among the top practiced.

  3. The J-Pop Says:
  4. "what's most important to me?" was a bit of a struggle to write since value can vary depending on who is viewing it. Military may find a different value then the executive branch. However, from the people's point of view, it was social communication and social bonds that we value the most. Our country has invested a great deal in technology and with that in mind, the use of mobile devices has certainly increased communication and social relations. A lot of our country's values come from our ancestors and their belief that the gods displayed human emotions of love and anger. Many social principles benefit harmony


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