BarryB's-North American Executive

Posted by BarryB Monday, February 7, 2011

Currency-Money is exchanged through both physical and technological mediums. Currency values are determined by the ease with which it can be traded for other goods or services. The primary currency in North America is USD or U.S. dollars. Other forms of currency include: the Canadian dollar and the Mexican peso.
Political Climate-Every nation state is north america is a repersentitive democracy, meaning that citizens elect other citizens to repersent them in government. In North America there are two nation states with three branches of government, (Executive, Legislative, and Judicial) a bicameral legislature (An upper house and Lower house), and seprate yet subrdinate state and local governments. Another nation state in North America uses a parlimentary system with a primminister serving as the executive. In North Aerica, all of the political systems are effected by political parties, groups of indivduals that ban together because of ideological and political similaraties. Political parties help politicians raise money and they help indivdual citizens gain access to likeminded citzens.
Economy-The economic system of North America is a free market economy with liberal management. This means that some large finincal institutions and governments do have some control over the economy but it is largely regulated by the laws of supply and demand.
Legal System-North American justice systems are based on british common law. Laws are created by the legisluature and enforced by the excecutive branch. If a law is violated courts often decided the punishment recived by the perpetrator.


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