Recognizing and Responding to Global Pandemic

Posted by Professor Griffin Monday, February 7, 2011

Scientific-Identifying and Responding to Global Pandemic
145 Acacia Avenue
Washington, D.C. 20018

February 7, 2011

Mr. Joe Gallant
Dept. of Emergency Services
1482 Portland Road
Richmond, Virginia

Dear Mr. Gallant:


You asked me to write to you today to discuss the capabilities of recognizing and handling the potential problem of a global pandemic in the region of North America. I have spoken with my contacts in both Mexico and Canada regarding their capabilities. We have come to a consensus regarding the action plan requested.

With the increase in technology, a pandemic could come in a multitude of ways. We must not limit the type of disaster we are preparing for, as it will likely be something we cannot imagine. However, there are certain steps we can take now so that we all have a protocol to follow. My colleagues and I believe agree that the most important task is protecting our communication lines, both within North America and with the outside world. If a global pandemic occurs on the other side of the world, we must ensure that we find out about it immediately in order to prepare and organize. Necessary steps have been taken to ensure that multiple lines of communication between governments are thoroughly secure.

We have arranged for a fund of money, collected from all three of the governments of North America, to be used in the event of a global pandemic. Although it may be this epidemic is so severe that money becomes useless, it definitely makes everyone feel more secure. One item that was discussed at length was the psychological factors that are involved in a global pandemic. We must be sure to thoroughly plan and discuss before any announcements are given to the public. Announcing a global pandemic could exponentially increase problems for everyone if we aren’t careful. For this reason, we feel that there are not many proactive steps we can take. We have the money set aside, along with safe houses and emergency equipment to use, but we must rely on information from everyone to identify the pandemic as soon as possible.

If such an incident occurs, we have organized a group of doctors and scientists that would be ready to dedicate their time toward finding a solution to any problem. We have facilities that could be contained if need be. The key, again, is communication across all governments of the world. If such an epidemic did occur, no doubt everyone would help out, as it in their best interest. If we all share information, it will make finding a solution that much easier.

If a disease did spread, we must do our best to estimate how it spread. Then we could take actions with regards to high density population areas, as well as travel lanes. We need to stay ready and communicate with one another to best mitigate a crisis.

Professor Griffin


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