Posted by Will Ziegler Monday, February 14, 2011



An emergency report has been issued by Roscosmos identifying multiple asteroids on trajectories which will result in contact being made in urban centers. Two asteroids are expected to hit the Russian landmass. The smaller of the two will impact Moscow and its population of 10.5 million. A second and larger asteroid will impact the region around Norilsk and its population of 135,000.

The impact of these asteroids is estimated to result in devastation seen in a large scale nuclear attack. Destruction of buildings and infrastructure is expected and it should be assumed that affected areas are to be uninhabitable post impact.

In accordance with the nature of this emergency and the scale at which people and supplies are to be evacuated and transported it is a necessity for martial law to be enacted. All forces are ordered to full readiness and all reserves are called to service. Additionally the manpower needed for the management of such a disaster requires the conscription of all men aged 18-35 into the armed forces of the Federation of Russia. All men within this range are to report for duty.

Moscow and Norilsk must be evacuated immediately or risk critical loss to population. Transportation networks must be secured by the Federation for use in the evacuation of civilians; this is to include all civilian transportation aircraft and airport, all trains and rail networks, and civilian busses and trucks as needed by the Armed Forces. Air force transportation aircraft will be on priority duty for the movement of troops and supplies to staging areas outside of the affected areas.

In the case of Moscow, civilians who are not eligible for military duty are to be evacuated immediately. In the event that total evacuation is not possible, those remaining in the city must seek shelter in the bomb shelters which scatter the city from the cold war as well as in the metro system, which has been designed to withstand nuclear attack. Metro tunnels are to be used as shelters while the stations will be designated military outposts and command centers. Those who are evacuated will be transported to unaffected cities where refugee camps will be organized.

Troops to be dispatched to Moscow: 105,000 military personnel are to be ordered to Moscow to evacuate and supply the displaced populous. They are to be supported by 1,500 Infantry Fighting Vehicles along with the support units and vehicles of the ground forces.

In Norilsk the same evacuation plan is to be followed with civilian aircraft, rail, and ground transportation being the primary mode of evacuation. While full evacuation is expected, if full evacuation is not possible those remaining will seek shelter in the mines which the city is built around.

Troops to be dispatched to Norilsk: 9,500 ground troops, 600 IFV’s, and the supporting units for each.

All other availably forces are to be staged for the support of neighboring nations and to ensure political stability in the surrounding regions.

Anitoly Serdyukov

Minister of Defence

Russian Federation


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