Executive Pandemic Report

Posted by Jon Moore Wednesday, February 9, 2011

The Communist Party of China:

Pandemic Preparedness

Contingency Plan as of February

9, 2011

President Hu-Jintao

President of NPC, G.S. of CPC, C.M. of CMC

In the progressing era of industrial and societal expansion, it is of paramount importance that China and the districts therein establish a secure contingency procedure for the prevention and control of any unforeseen pandemic. Since the advent of the 21st century, China has evolved both economically and communally, accommodating well over one billion multicultural citizens in the vast extent of the nation’s borders. International economization has established China as a world power, but has also induced some externalities that could prove harmful in the event of a pathogenic outbreak, such as the emergent influx of foreign investors and inhabitants. Such externalities could promote the development and expansion of any particular disease; hence, it is pivotal that the Communist Party of China institutes an official course of action to oppose any such vulnerability.

The following document, in effect immediately, outlines the country’s contemporary preparations for the prevention or management of a spontaneous pandemic. It is important that the framework correlates with the best interests of the populace and foreign relations.

Prevention phase:

China’s ever-growing population combined with economical integration has posed a serious issue to the sustainability of secure health care systems. Over the past decades, virulent pathogens have found their way into society in varying forms-from sexually transmitted diseases such as Syphilis to contagious respiratory infections such as SARS . In any instance, the central government has realized its passive denial in the early stages of the development of any such disease. Learning from past mistakes, the Party has composed necessary protocols towards the prevention of pathogenic proliferation.

Government Response to National Health Care

The problem of affordable health care has evolved systematically with the expanding population. The government has realized the need for guaranteed health care and has advised an accommodative response. The Communist Party of China will be working closely with the Ministry of Health to draft a preliminary plan geared towards providing universal health care. The likelihood of any pandemic outbreak will be immediately mitigated by the increase in medicinal resources.

Fiscal Response to Effective Immigration Structure

The country’s expanding foreign population, resulting from economic globalization, will produced a negative externality in the event of a pandemic outbreak. The probability of a foreign born disease is heightened as the population inflates. Therefore, it is necessary to secure China’s borders so that infectious disease is not illegally diffused into society. To cope with the growing risk, the Party has composed a budget to advance domestic custom security and border control. Enhanced national security will substantially reduce the threat of foreign-born pathogen evolution or even biological warfare.

Furthermore, the Communist Party of China is working intensively to strengthen its role in the World Health Organization (WHO). China has been a member of the organization since its birth. Over the past decade, however, China’s participation in WHO has been relatively detached. Building solid ties with the association will enhance global communications and provide assistance in the event of an outbreak.

Enhanced Sanitation Practices

Improving sanitation practices is a complex undertaking due to the fact that proper hygiene is subject to differing individuals. However, on a national level, the central government is ready to employ procedures that effectively regulate hygienic business practices, particular in food and chemical industries. The operations of the State Food and Drug Administration are currently under review in an attempt to correct potentially defective procedures and increase efficiency. Volatile imported goods are subject to intense examination as to reduce the possibility of contamination. Pollution by industrial facilities is subject to litigation and regulation on the part of the State Administration for Industry and Commerce.

In addition the Communist Party of China, in cooperation with state provinces, will provide fiscal support to increase the amount of hygienic services, such as street cleaning and trash removal in heavily populated areas. Clean air, food, and living conditions are essential in reducing the threat of minor and/or severe infections.

Response Phase:

If the above precautions are unable to prevent the evolution of a particular pandemic, the Communist Party of China has revised its response process in correlation to the public’s concerns. The recognition of a possible pathogen is delineated into four ordinal alert systems, Blue, Yellow, Orange, and Red. On the ranking of severity, each stated alert will correspond to certain public and governmental procedures. In each case, China’s extensive infrastructure will be optimal in communicating the progress of pathogenic exposure and alerting the public.

Blue Alert

Stemming from the initial diagnosis of a certain disease strain, the Ministry of Health is to issue a blue alert. A blue alert simply implies the recognition of an infectious disease, but does not implement any further action. The general public is informed as a precautionary measure, but is encouraged not to alter daily activities.

The Communist Party of China and its governmental departments will provide adequate scientific funding into developing an antibiotic or vaccine, and the progress of the infected patient will be monitored intensively in order to exploit the origin of the pathogen.

Yellow Alert

If the birth of the pathogen is not confined, or if the pathogen can be transmitted easily, then the Ministry of Health with support from the Party will issue a yellow alert. In a sense, a yellow alert is slightly more severe than a blue, but ordinary societal functions are still encouraged. Scientific funding will be provided, and foreign nations will be notified of the potential threat. Having cooperate communication with other nations will help segregate the pathogen and provide insight into future preventative actions. The infected patient(s) will be held in intensive care until the alert is subdued.

Orange Alert

If the pathogen can be transmitted relatively easily, and the transmission is reported to be local, then the Ministry of Health will impose an orange alert. In the instance of an orange alert, government intervention is necessary. The contaminated areas will be quarantined by military presence, and government aid programs and local hospitals will provide necessary nourishment to the infected and his kinfolk. If the source of the disease is identified, than all relevant entryways (be it ocean, land, or air) will be heavily monitored to prevent further exposure.

Red Alert

The red alert is to be enforced only if the disease evolves into a pandemic, and the spread is irrepressible. In the case of a red alert, the Communist Party of China will declare martial law, and all border ports and airports will be closed. Hospitals and government aid agencies will operate at full capacity to provide the appropriate care for the infected and their families. In additions, private and public institutions as well as educational systems will cease operations as long as the red alert is in effect. The Communist Party of China will cooperate with domestic and foreign scientific communities to derive the nature of the disease and search for a potential vaccine. When a vaccination is produced and the exposure rate subsides, then the red alert will be released.

A red alert corresponds to the most threatening pathogens. The central government guarantees the necessary community accommodations so that families remain in contact, and aid is provided to all in need.

Concluding Points:

This document is to be interpreted as a preliminary course of action in the prevention and control of disease in China. Because diseases are often indistinct in nature, prevention is the top priority. The Communist Party of China will take every step to assure the safety and sanitation of the nation’s populace.

However, if a transmissible outbreak occurs, then prompt action is necessary to quell the spread and evolution of such a disease. The central government must take the course of action that benefits the masses, at the same time retaining the public’s demands (for instance, holding family ties even with the infected).

If the origin of the pathogen is identified as unnatural (i.e. a deliberate biological attack) then subsequent action must be taken after the protocols discussed in this document are initiated.

Scientific funding in the prevention of disease is critical. The government will continue to support medicinal and technological advancement, as to “stay ahead” of the evolutionary nature of pathogens.

Federal aid in the event of emergency is guaranteed. With China’s increased participation in WHO, foreign aid is attainable if domestic assistance cannot compensate the infected population. However, the nation’s current military capacity is large enough to provide social stability in emergency conditions. The Communist Party of China is thoroughly prepared in every aspect for any type of pathogenic threat.


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