Posted by Leiutenant General Roxy Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Lieutenant General Roxy
EU Military Headquarters

BREAKING NEWS: THE EU HAS FORMED ONE ARMY CALLED SYNCHRONIZED ARMED FORCES EUROPE OR S.A.F.E. This Army will be dispersed all throughout Europe and on active duty for the next few weeks.

The President has declared Martial Law- all police available in the EU will work with S.A.F.E. to direct the people, make sure they follow all plans, protect the entrance of Paris, and make sure that the people remain calm and no fights occur.

The primary goal of the military for the next week is to get everyone out of Paris, France, before the asteroids hit. Once everyone is out of Paris, they have to stay out for 4 days. About 5,000 people will be moved to the 50 main cities in France. The military will be the ones who will be controlling the people. The people will get to these cities via train, bus, and car. All major roads and highways will be directed one way so that people cannot enter Paris, only exit. All trains, buses, and cars will be filled to a safe capacity so as many people as possible can leave in one trip. The trains and buses will continue to come back empty until all people of Paris are evacuated.

About 250,000 people will be moved to the UK through the Chunnel that connects France to the UK. It takes about 2.5 hours to travel one way.

Then 250,000 people will be moved to each of the following countries: Germany, Spain, Italy, and Poland. They will use the Charles De Gaulle Airport to get to these countries. More than 200,000 people will be able to fly out each day. The airport will ONLY be used for outgoing flights from France. The rest of the countries in the EU will take the remaining people.

The people will stay basically anywhere they can seek shelter: hotels, families’ houses, stadiums, etc.

A schedule will be sent out to everyone via letter mail and email. Also, phone calls will be made, the schedule will be on national television and radio, and military officials will pass them out to anyone who needs them.


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