Public Service Announcement - Tokyo

Posted by Shigeru Miyamoto Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Good citizens of Tokyo,

This is a fearful time for all of us, and I must urge all of you to be as cooperative in these dire circumstances as possible; through compliance and reason, every one of you will be safe.

The asteroids that are heading towards this city are by all means dangerous. They are, however, by no means fatal if proper action is taken. We cannot be sure of the damage that this series of asteroids will result in; what we can be sure of is that the strike will not end man’s existence, it will not end Japan’s existence, it will harm the structure and surface of Tokyo, and Tokyo alone. Asteroids that hit the city have the potential for massive destruction, and – this is not a time to create euphemisms or be lighthearted – through either this initial damage or short-lived extreme conditions they will leave behind, can lead to a loss of millions of lives if we do not save ourselves, if we do not evacuate.

The asteroids are scheduled to strike in one week, and the city must be evacuated in five days from today. The subways and highways will be of use, and for those of you who have nowhere to go, the Japanese military is sponsoring quartering areas throughout the country. These areas are far enough away to be clear of any asteroid strike, and have the resources to keep all individuals healthy and well-fed. Beds, blankets, and three meals per day will be provided. All the sanitation that is necessary will be given for free, as well as Green Tea and other healthy liquid beverages. There will be health service centers, ample beds, telephones, and frequent radio updates. Buses will be leaving hourly to go to one of these four locations, all will have the same resources, and all will hold the same number of people. The choice of which center is yours.

Those who do not leave within the five day limit will be forcibly removed to a quartering center. We cannot allow citizens of this great city to lose their lives in such a manner.

If we evacuate, we live in safety. We will struggle, the whole world will struggle, but we will be a model for strength and reason for all generations to come. These are hard times for all of us, but we must move in solidarity to bring about a positive result.

Stay clean, happy, and safe. Best of luck to all of us.


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