China Values Family

Posted by Chen Jia Wednesday, February 9, 2011

BREAKING NEWS! The polls are in and the populace of China has spoken. What is most important to the average citizen might surprise you!

In a recent nation wide survey it was determined that keeping families together in a national pandemic would rate above continuing educational services, efficient medical care, and even food supplies. The truth about our nation is that family is key.

The reasons for this may seem simple at first families are usually tight knit groups to begin with, but many peoples views go beyond the simple of explanation of wanting to make sure their loved ones are secure. (See below for samples from the recent poll)

  • · Most important: Family (because its our culture)

Reason: Family to me is more than the simple loving bonds formed between parent and child. It is a part of Chinese culture that would be devastating to lose since so much of what makes our culture so unique is the strong family bonds that extend beyond the immediate family, to an identity that is often explained by a simple family name.

  • · Most Important: Family (because it is an ingrained practice in the business world)

Reason: Family not only means those around you but also indicates an entire value system. Business relations often rely on such ties as well and relations practiced in guanxi or the Chinese practice of relations over rules in the business world. Without it our entire economy might collapse, so I’d have to say family is the most important because it carries so much more weight than simply meaning the nuclear family.

  • · Most Important: Family (because the family unit is more powerful than the individual)

Reason: Family, by far is the most important my family we are a unit we are primarily a collectivist society when it comes down to it. In many ways our unit as a whole is more important than each individual member because without my family I could not thrive.

  • · Most Important: Family (Because it is and always has been an important factor in our faith)

Reason: Family is important because it is not only part of our daily lives, but also an integral part of all of China’s faith. While there are many religions practiced throughout China ancestral worship is a common theme to all the traditional Chinese faiths. Without family China would lose its faith.

As can be seen above we as a nation have very different views about what family means to us and to our culture. However while the ideas about why family is important might differ there is more strength in the overwhelming evidence that no matter what family does for you it is what makes our country so great.

-Chen Jia


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