Russia: A Chat between the People

Posted by Raina Ivanovna Petrova Wednesday, February 2, 2011

A chat between friends (in Russian, of course).

HockeyQueen9856>> Hey! What’s up?

SiberiaStar5055>> Hey Raina! Not much, just recuperating from an exhausting weekend.

HockeyQueen9856>> What did you do this weekend?

SiberiaStar5055>> Well Friday started with classes…You know how much fun those are. Haha.

HockeyQueen9856>> Yeah. So exciting. J

SiberiaStar5055>> And then Friday night, my little bro had an ice hockey game. Their team beat their cross city rivals, the Huskies, 4-0. Aleksi scored 2 goals!

HockeyQueen9856>>That’s awesome! You know how much I loooovvvee hockey. Congratulate Aleksi for me!

SiberiaStar5055>> I will and I know! Haha. Then my parents took us out to dinner (such a rare occasion) to celebrate the victory. It was like he jus won the Olympics or something. But I got to order beef stroganov, and then apple pastries for dessert. YUM!

HockeyQueen9856>>Oh, definitely yum! At university, I always miss my mom’s home-cooked stroganov and pelmeny. Eating them makes me feel so safe and at home. Have you heard the new t.A.T.u. song yet?

SiberiaStar5055>> Oh my goodness! Waste Management is amazing! It’s my new ringtone. J I still like classical music better than the pop stuff on the radio, though. I think it’s so cool that composers like Tchaikovsky and Stravinsky were born here and that they went on to make such a huge splash in the world of classical music. And don’t get me started on the ballet. No one does ballet like us!

HockeyQueen9856>> Absolutely. I remember when I was a little girl and my parents took me to see the Mariinsky in St. Petersberg. It was the most breathtaking ballet I’ve ever seen! We should go again when we’re on winter break!

SiberiaStar5055>> That would be sooo much fun! Speaking of breaks, do you have any plans for Defender of the Fatherland Day on Feb. 23rd yet?

HockeyQueen9856>> I haven’t really thought that far ahead yet. I’ll probably just end up going to watch fireworks and having a big feast with my familiy. Did you hear that Nadia is home from abroad in the States?

SiberiaStar5055>> No! We all need to get together and go to Palace Square and visit all the cathedrals and palaces, especially St. Isaac’s. It’s my favorite and makes me wish I were studying architecture instead of science.

HockeyQueen9856>> Ooh, and we can’t forget to visit Gostiny Dvor. I desperately need to go shopping. Gotta keep up with the latest trends in Moscow.

SiberiaStar5055>> Oh, don’t I know! They change so fast, it’s hard to keep up! I’m still thinking about the cathedrals in St. Petersberg. What do you think it would be like to attend a service there. Even though I’m not actively practicing Russian Orthodoxy, it would still be an interesting experience.

HockeyQueen9856>> Same here. That would be incredible. We should see if there’s a service when we hit the city.

SiberiaStar5055>> Definitely. Well, I have to get going to classes. Apparently chemistry can’t start without me. Say hi to Nadia for me, and I’ll see you soon!


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