Dear Editor,

The news of this outbreak of vampires is shocking! I didn’t think vampires existed, nevertheless were walking among us. I mean, they’re supposed to be fictional monsters easily warded off by garlic and a crucifix. But now, they’re out there, indistinguishable from the general populace of the world. What are we supposed to do?

As I am not privy to the President and Minister of Defense’s plans, I feel that I, as a representative of the populace of Russia must develop my own, just to be on the safe side. If I had the choice to either befriend the vampires or to fight against them, I would choose to join them. I would do everything in my power not to anger them, as they are superior creatures to the human race and could easily annihilate us.

Also, I believe I can speak on behalf of the Russian populace, both members of the population displaced by the asteroid, as well as those who are safe and sound in the comfort of their homes, when I say that we are dissatisfied in the way the Russian government and military have responded to our current situation.

Our brothers, fathers, and sons between the ages of 18-35 have be conscripted to work as laborers to rebuild the industrial areas of Moscow, while the residential areas, including our homes lay in piles of rubble. Meanwhile, the military has forced us to stay in these “camps” where the conditions are less than habitable. They say the current conditions are only temporary, but I think that is a lie. And for those who were not displaced by the asteroids, the government is stealing resources and supplies, commandeering everything, including money and people, without any compensation or regard. I feel that they could have done a lot more with the power they possess in a way that is reassuring and respectable to the people. After all, there are many more of us than there are of them.

This being said, I believe that joining forces and recruiting the vampires to help the populace would be very beneficial if a stand is taken against the government. The vampires would serve as a “special weapon” of sorts and allow us to overwhelm and overpower the government and military once and for all. The extra advantage of the support of the vampires would force the government to think twice about its actions, as they can’t shoot us all.

Overall, I feel that everyone should think carefully about their response to this outbreak of vampires. We don’t know a lot about them, and what we do know is based on myths. I think the first step is to educate us, and then try to make peace with them. This “pandemic” doesn’t have to be detrimental to the populace of Russia. It could, in fact, make us stronger than ever.


A Concerned Citizen

We are going to attempt to coexist with vampires
Our plan is to:
-talk to vampires to see their wants and needs
-set up a system that creates legislation protecting humans and vampires
-setup a judicial system to prosecute vampires that break human mandated laws or humans that break vampire related laws.
-setup a system to enforce these human and vampire created laws. The enforcement team should include vampires and humans.

In response to Japans so called vampire sightings, our nation isn't overly concerned with their presence. We are more concerned with the current threat of wide spread homelessness, then with the presence of these mythical creatures. We are interested in learning about their kind and would like to carry on about this in a peaceful way. Scientific testing can will help us to better understand their kind, their biology, and their impact on the fate of the human race. Our civilians seem pre-occupied with their recent displacements and living situations. These creatures haven't posed any great threats to us, we would like to think we can live with them in harmony until proven otherwise. We understand that we are not their equal and we will never try to be.

The North American government would like to extend a warm welcome to our new vampire citizens. We would like to make our stance clear; that we will welcome vampires into our government and that there is no need to hide.

The Communist Party of China:

Vampire Response Mechanism

President Hu Jintao


I have recently received some controversial information regarding the presence of an unfamiliar form of the human race, the vampire. This news came as a complete shock to me, and the executive Council of the Communist Party collectively. However, the Intel appears to be reputable and calls for a corresponding governmental procedure.

It seems as though the existence of vampires in our contemporary society is not an immediate threat to humanity. With that being said, I wish to relay the information accessible to me at this time:

-The vampires are not a direct threat to humanity, that is, synthetic blood is available to nourish these creatures.

-A statistical sample shows that the numbers are immense; these creatures are likely to exist at all hierarchical levels of society, even in the executive bureaus themselves.

-Common fictionalized knowledge of the nature of these creatures is somewhat false; the vampires cannot fly, they are sensitive to light, and are much faster and stronger than ordinary humans.

-The mere presence of the unusual life form does not necessarily connote a threat to the well being of our nation; these creatures have been observed to function ordinarily in society.

The Council is aware of the above, and encourages any private individuals or enterprises to bring forth any additional information. The Council has decided that the best possible response to this concern is to effectively integrate the vampires into society, give them the rights and benefits of ordinary citizens, and cooperate generously with them. If the vampires pose no external threat other than the inclination to assume so simply because they are a foreign species, then China will be able to benefit from the characteristics and specialties of these creatures both socially and economically.

The vampires will be treated as an ordinary minority population. By giving them the rights of every citizen, the desire to rebel/protest will be diminished substantially. The vampires must be given the motivation to exploit their physical advantages towards the expansion and betterment of society. In doing so, I believe these creatures will be able to improve the efficiency and sustainability of our economic system by contributing characteristics unattainable through humans.

I wish to close this message by asserting that if the vampires misuse the benefits of integration or evolve into a legitimate threat, then the Council will take necessary action to punish any perpetrators in litigation procedures identical to any law breaking criminal. Please rest assured that this event termed "The Great Revelation" will interfere minimally with the Council's obligations towards those affected by the recent cosmic impact. Further scientific funding will be provided in order to identify every aspects of these creatures.

President Hu Jintao

EDITORIAL - The events of the past few weeks have shaken us all. Memorial services continue across the world for those lost in the Great Impact, as the devastating asteroid barrage has come to be known. Millions upon millions of people remain homeless, refugees in their own countries. Despite the confident-sounding pronouncements from governments across the world from Africa to New Zealand, I fear that there are too few solutions, for too few people, to prevent more deaths. As winter continues to hold the northern hemisphere in its icy grasp, and hurricanes and floods continue to ravage the southern, millions remain in grave danger.

And now we have the Great Revelation, perhaps as psychologically devastating as the Great Impact. our neighbors and co-workers, elected politicians and entrepreneurs alike suddenly revealed to us that they are - even after days to grapple with the idea, the concept seems impossible and the word sounds somehow wrong in our mouths and in print - vampires.

You don't need me or The Weekly Journal to tell you that change is stressful. The loss of huge pieces of our greatest cities and the emergence of creatures from what used to be merely mythology has me profoundly shaken.

Something is coming. Something big. Change is in the air. I don't know whether this is the time to draw your curtains, lock your doors, and hide under the covers… or whether we should all take to the streets and make a mighty noise.

***Russian Federation Ministry of Defence Official Action Plan***

***Addressing Threats of Vampire Infection***

Recent events have confirmed the existence of an infectious disease, which results in the necessity to feed upon human blood as well as increased physical capabilities which has been known in folklore as vampirism.

The confirmation of the existence of this disease raises concerns as to what potential threats this infection holds to the Russian populace. While it can be assumed that this disease has existed for much of modern history, the public recognition of this infection may create threats to both the civilian and infected populations.

There is a lack of scientific studies to guide government action at this time and therefore all precautions must be taken as until empirical data can be attained as to how the infection is spread and what threats and biological changes occur as a result of infection.

In the interim it is the military’s opinion that the infected population must be separated from the general population. This is to protect those who are uninfected as well as to inhibit violence and rioting among the general population. Preliminary data from interviews with the infected have confirmed that exposure to sunlight is fatal to the infected and therefore a curfew will be enacted from dusk until dawn. Those who are found outside of their homes during curfew will be detained.

Those who are confirmed to be infected are to be transferred to settlements in the north of Siberia which are to be clear of uninfected residents. These settlements will be managed by the military. These camps are not to serve as prisons but instead serve to isolate the infected population until scientific studies are completed to assess the infection.

Because the only known way to identify an infected individual is to expose the individual to sunlight, military units are to be issued ultraviolet lights in order to briefly expose suspected persons to artificial sunlight. Additionally the refugee camps are to be issued UV light gateways which all entering or leaving must pass through. This will serve to separate the infected population. Violence towards those infected is not to be condoned by the military.

If you suspect that a member of your community is infected please report them to the nearest police or military unit for interrogation.

We do not with the separation of races to be a permanent solution but instead a temporary measure for the protection of all. The cooperation of all citizens is required and we urge all to remain calm.

Anitoly Serdyukov

Russian Federation Ministry of Defence

With the world in turmoil, a new force to be reckoned with has emerged from literally the most unlikely and unthinkable location -- vampires. TBBN has the following two-part report on the emergence of the Earth's latest... threat? Minority? Pandemic?

But not everyone is welcoming the vampires with open arms, or open veins, as it were. Some say that the vampires are a threat to humankind, and must be contained or killed. The Weekly Journal has obtained this never-before-released footage of a vampire killing a human:

So, now that we know that they walk among us, what will our governments do? What will we do?

Asteroid Aftermath
1) 50% of city leveled/burned?
2.5 million definitely dead, ⅗ of the rest of the population left in the city estimated dead.

2) 25% of city leveled/burned?
1.25 million definitely dead, ⅗ of the rest of the population left in the city estimated dead.

1&2) Military Search Party to find survivors in the city

3) Evacuation & Refugees
--> Successful, how much?
5 Million Assumed Dead and stuck in the city. For the 22 million residents in Beijing, 17 million successfully escaped for almost an evacuation rate of 80%.
-->What worked/failed
Bad: High population disallowed the complete evacuation of the city
Bad: Too much congestion slowed ground transportation
Good: The information distributed was effective and allowed for maximum efficiency in the evacuation
Good: 25% of evacuated people were able to reach family and friends , so the refugee population was decreased by 4.25 million


Bad: 80% of the refugees are experiencing cold symptoms

Good: All refugees are still in camps and receiving adequate care

4) Rest of the country?
Not happy with government and military personnel.

CASUALTIES: 15% (2 million)
3-6 million people homeless
70% of people who evacuated Tokyo went to refugee camps
Those who did not enter camps are now demanding care from the government but with limited resources as it is, it is hard to comply to these demands

-People are unhappy because they do not have the proper shelter or health care that is needed in these refugee camps.
-People in other cities are not compliant with refugees from Tokyo invading their cities/ stadiums/ parks.
-Military is trying to get people out in an orderly fashion.
-Military is preventing pretty much anyone to enter the city at this time. We need to clean up the mass amounts of water, bodies, rubble before anyone who is not authorized to enter the city can do so. The city is currently a hotbed for outbreaks of all kinds of disease and/or harm to the people. (I.e. falling buildings...)
-Lots of people who want to enter refugee camps did not actually come from Tokyo. They just wanted to hop on the band wagon of getting this free shelter/food/health care from the government. We were trying to deal with organizing this mess but we could not refuse people who did not have proof of living in Tokyo therefore we had to accept many more people into these camps than planned.

-The coastal region was flooded
-No airports
-no roads
-no electricity
-no drinking water
-general city infrastructure is heavily damaged (subways, bridges, power plants)
-a large first generation nuclear reactor was damaged, spilling radioactive waste

Overall the plan was a success, our transportation plan worked effectively but now the city is heavily damaged. We lost 1% of the population because some people remained in Paris. Also, we had a very inaccurate population estimate which contributed to the casualties. The city grid is in ruins which means there are a lot less housing for the population of Paris. The rest of the EU thought that are evacuation plan was adequate although we should have made a better estimate of our population and forced the people who refused to leave to evacuate.

  • 93% of the people in the evacuation zones were sufficently cleared and moved to safe zones
  • An estimated 32.567% of the New York Metropolitan zone is uninhabitable
  • 12% of hospital patients were not able to be evacuated. the majority of those left behind were immobile or terminally ill
  • Refugees are being contained in their relocation zones have have ample food and water to last 2 months
  • During the evacuation, several zones were, for a time, not under government control due to rioting and other misconduct. Order in the relocation zones has been established and constant.
  • Millions of dollars have been donated by the rest of the population to help erect semi perminant structures in the re location camps.
  • Dispite government reassurances, public anxiety has not been reduced sigfigantly, as many citizens will not accept the fact that danger does not persist.
  • Millions of citizens have attend vigils and sent prayer cards to benifit the refugees.

- The evacuation was a success. We got the majority of the population out of the city, and remaining 250,000 were safely housed in the depths of the metro system as well as the military garrison that was stationed there
- Only ~ 30% of the city was leveled. There are pockets of residential areas that are restorable due to small size of the asteroids that impacted.
- The military units stationed there are currently getting a more detailed assessment of the damage. We are starting to build residential units near the perimeter of the city which will house people while the city is being rebuilt
- In the meantime, work will be done on the refugee camps to make them more habitable while the residents wait for the residential units to be completed
- Those that have family or friends elsewhere will be provided transportation (within reason) to other parts of the country
- Martial law is still in effect and all of those who are conscripted will be responsible for the rebuilding of this great city.
- Those that lived in areas that are somewhat habitable will be allowed to return. Those that lived in flattened areas will not be allowed to reenter the city at this time.
- One of the first rebuilding projects will be to rebuild government buildings. Private businesses are on their own.

A famous reporter once said that "news" is what happens while you're out of town doing something else. That could not possibly be any more true.

While your intrepid Weekly Journal was enjoying the frozen charms of Quebec's Hotel de Glace, the world seems to have, in many ways, come to an end.

Asteroid impact

Here's a picture I took of the outside of the Ice Hotel. The side walls and roof are 4 feet thick and are made entirely of packed snow and ice. The arched front walls that you can see are made of foot-thick blocks of ice.

Quebec's Ice Hotel exterior

At the same time, major world landmarks like the Empire State Building, were devastated by the asteroid swarm.

Empire State destruction

The Ice Hotel this year had 38 rooms, each of which was furnished entirely with snow and ice -- yes, you (and by you I mean I) sleep on ice! (With a mattress on top of the ice platform, and while encased in an arctic mummy-type sleeping bag. But still.) It also featured a gorgeous chapel, which people actually use to get married. I can't imagine trying to pick a dress for that.

Ice Hotel chapel

Fortunately, satellite images recorded the tidal waves that inundated New York and Tokyo, dousing the flames caused by the asteroid impact. Experts indicate that overall destruction is much less severe and widespread than expected.

New York tidal wave

One of the most impressive features of the Ice Hotel were the three vaulted ceilings over the massive Ice Bar. Ice columns and snow arches supported the massive roof, while dance music pounded through the space.

Ice Hotel vaulted ceiling

No city completely avoided destruction. Each of the predicted impact cites -- among the world's leading cities -- suffered devastation. This image, taken in Moscow, shows the destruction. Muscovite Sergei Fyodorovich Ivanona, shown here, emerges from his improvised shelter to a scene of utter desolation. How Ivanova survived, no one can say.

After the impact

Snuggled cozily on deerskin rugs in a niche carved into the massive walls of the hotel, the cold is present as always, but these guests of the Ice Hotel don't seem to mind one bit. I hope they watch out for the giant octopus above them, though!

Ice Hotel niche seats

As the world prepares to reclaim its once-great metropoli, one question remains on everyone's mind: how can we go on? What resilience of spirit and strength of our convictions will we find, must we find, to regain our shattered sense of ourselves as the masters of our own fates, and of our planet?

Finally, the question no one wants to ask: is this the end of our punishment, or does the cold, uncaring universe have an even worse disaster waiting in the wings, perhaps streaking toward us this very second?

Asteroid impact

My mobile phone, email, TV, as well as the newspaper, radio, and ads displayed downtown have all informed me that my home, Tokyo, is a predicted target for Asteroids to land. As a result, the Japan government has ordered an immediate 5 day evacuation of the city. I have reread all of the PSA's and it seems like my government is doing their very best to maintain order and calm among our people. I am fearful of my life during this evacuation since this city holds well over 12 million people and we only have 5 days to evacuate. My immediate family amounts to 4 and we are fortunate to own a car, which we will use to leave the city. I am, however, nervous that 2 days will not be enough to get out of the metropolitan via own transportation. We are less fortunate in the sense that all of our extended family and other associations resides in, or near the Tokyo area. As a result, my family and I will stay connected with our social networks to try and meet up at one of the many designated quartering areas. Our government has assured us, on paper at least, that we will be well taken care of in these quartering areas. For now, I feel overwhelmed with trying to pack up our life essentials and staying close to my family and friends. Knowing that I have my family with me is my one ray of light during this dark time.




February 16, 2011



o Full evacuation of the city must be completed within 5 days

o Travel via highways allowed on the following days:

February 16, February 17

o Travel via highways will be suspended for the following 3 days

o Public transportation readily available

o Only essential items may be brought out of Tokyo

o If driving out of the city, take as many people with you as possible

o All non-essential traffic must stay off the roads in prefectures 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14


click here for the Health and Sanitation ppt

Slide 2:

Sick individuals could be quickly identified through having people at airports or other
major transport stations asking if anyone felt ill. Moreover, fast thermometers such as
infrared devices could be used to identify people with a elevated fever. Sick people
could be isolated as best as possible during transport; for example in a separate
airplane or train compartment.

Mask could also be given to sick persons only so that everyone would not have to wear

Hand sanitizer could be given out in small bottles to promote clean hands.

To accommodate people on respirators or immunocompromised individuals, special transport
may be needed such as airplanes equipped with power sources and staff for special medical

Give people bottled water and canned food as communal waters sources are easy
contaminated which would result in mass infection of people. Also canned food does not
require refrigerated storage or cooking, decreasing the chance of food related sickness.

Slide 3:

When setting up temporary housing whether it is in a stadium or a park, people should be
given as much room as possible as close contact allows diseases to be transmitted much

The most vital part of a temporary camp is to have bathrooms and wash rooms that are able
to handle the volume of people using them. Human waste is heavily contaminated with
pathogens and having a system to remove the waste ensures sickness does not result from
human excrement. Equally important, people need a place to wash their hands to prevent
the spread of pathogen through contaminated hands. Along with washrooms and bathrooms,
soaps need to be included to effectively kill pathogens.

Non perishable food should be provided as this food does not need to be cooked,
eliminating the need for kitchens. Moreover, non perishable food is already pathogen
free, preventing disease due to contaminated food. Bottled water is important because it
eliminates a public water source that could easy be contaminated. Finally, disposable
utensils should be provided to eliminate the need for cleaning and to ensure that people
are not using dirty eating ware.

Lieutenant General Roxy
EU Military Headquarters

BREAKING NEWS: THE EU HAS FORMED ONE ARMY CALLED SYNCHRONIZED ARMED FORCES EUROPE OR S.A.F.E. This Army will be dispersed all throughout Europe and on active duty for the next few weeks.

The President has declared Martial Law- all police available in the EU will work with S.A.F.E. to direct the people, make sure they follow all plans, protect the entrance of Paris, and make sure that the people remain calm and no fights occur.

The primary goal of the military for the next week is to get everyone out of Paris, France, before the asteroids hit. Once everyone is out of Paris, they have to stay out for 4 days. About 5,000 people will be moved to the 50 main cities in France. The military will be the ones who will be controlling the people. The people will get to these cities via train, bus, and car. All major roads and highways will be directed one way so that people cannot enter Paris, only exit. All trains, buses, and cars will be filled to a safe capacity so as many people as possible can leave in one trip. The trains and buses will continue to come back empty until all people of Paris are evacuated.

About 250,000 people will be moved to the UK through the Chunnel that connects France to the UK. It takes about 2.5 hours to travel one way.

Then 250,000 people will be moved to each of the following countries: Germany, Spain, Italy, and Poland. They will use the Charles De Gaulle Airport to get to these countries. More than 200,000 people will be able to fly out each day. The airport will ONLY be used for outgoing flights from France. The rest of the countries in the EU will take the remaining people.

The people will stay basically anywhere they can seek shelter: hotels, families’ houses, stadiums, etc.

A schedule will be sent out to everyone via letter mail and email. Also, phone calls will be made, the schedule will be on national television and radio, and military officials will pass them out to anyone who needs them.

Office of the Prime Minister
16 February 2011

Given the change in path of the projectiles hurtling toward the surface of the planet, the previous evacuation orders are hereby rescinded.

Our scientists now report that the majority of projectiles will fall on the Tokyo Metropolitan Area, prompting the government to implement an evacuation plan for that area.

The following is effective immediately:

The following prefectures will be evacuated:

11 Gunma
12 Saitama
12 Tokyo
14 Kanagawa

Residents have 5 days to evacuate. The JSDF/USFJ will assist in the evacuation, and will forcibly evacuate or detain citizens who resist.

After day 2, all civilian traffic will be prohibited from traveling on any highway traveling in or out of the Tokyo Metropolitan Area.

Effective immediately, all non-essential traffic, as determined by the JSDF/USFJ, is prohibited from traveling into the Tokyo Metropolitan Area.

All non-essential traffic is to stay off highways in prefectures 8, 9 and 10, so that evacuees may leave the Tokyo Metropolitan Area without hindrance or delay.

Yokota AFB (USAF) and Atsugi Naval Air Facility (JMDF, USN) will immediately be evacuated of all military aircraft and warships. The bases will be used as a headquarters for the military personnel moved to the region to assist in the evacuation.

All national government offices in the Tokyo Metropolitan Area, including the Emperor and His Imperial Staff, the National Diet, and the Supreme Court, will be moved to Kyoto, because of its status as Japan’s former capitol.

The Tokyo Stock Exchange will suspend trading until further notice.

All privately owned rail, bus, taxi, ferry, and subway lines are hereby nationalized to assist with the evacuation.

Citizens of Tokyo are encouraged to seek out relatives to stay with that live outside the metropolitan area. If this is not a feasible option, citizens may seek shelter in refugee centers set up by the military. Please refer to the military report for further information.

The aforementioned procedures will remain in place until a further directive from this office rescinds them.

Date: February 16, 2011

To: The Populace of China

From: President Ju Hintao


Dear my fellow citizens,

The National Aeronautics and Space Administration has recently informed me that an unlikely occurrence has altered the projected path of a cluster of cosmic debris. The debris will enter planet earth’s atmosphere in approximately a week, and quantitative analysis depicts that China is a target. The global scientific community with the cooperation of NASA has exhausted all their efforts in prematurely detonating the cosmic band; in doing so, they achieved some degree of success. Even with these actions, the hazard is proven to be imminent, though much less catastrophic in scale. Although most of China’s boundaries will remain unaffected, it is predicted that Beijing will experience a devastating blow. The CPC, The Ministry of Health, and World Health Organization are fully aware of the nation’s current health status, and will be taking necessary steps to devise a relevant course of action that protects the well being of every citizen.

Following the immediate public release of this report, The Communist Party of China will be issuing a red alert accompanied by a large scale evacuation of Beijing and all surrounding regions within a fifty mile radius. It is assumed that the collisions will destroy much if not all recourses in these areas. With the support from the military, Ministry of Health, and WHO, evacuated citizens will be sanctioned in the surrounding territories and more desolate areas of the country. The central government intends to exploit the entire nation’s resources to adequately satisfy the demands of such an evacuation. I have composed a formal procedure below, which is to be implemented upon release of this message.


Day 1 (12:01 AM Thursday, 2/17)

-Declaration of martial law and closure of all business/educational/household operations (the Shanghai and Hong Kong stock exchange will be closed in two days time)
-Road/water ways to be closed to the public.
-Beijing will be divided via a grid system extending fifty miles outside the boundaries of the city, in every direction.
-Each coordinate region will correspond to a particular muster station, in which families are encouraged to group before hand.
-Every individual must obey attendance protocol at each muster stations (food/hygienic/medicinal resources provided).
-Voluntary evacuation for those with family ties is permitted at this time; those leaving must checkout.
-Check points will be assembled upon exit of the city. At these checkpoints, necessities will be provided to those in need.
-Possessions will be limited to one 50lb suitcase/person.
-Air transportation will be provided only to executive officials and those with immediate medical needs.

Day 2 (12:01 AM Friday, 2/18)

-Continuance of voluntary evacuation procedures
-Military personnel will be sanction throughout the city to ensure safe exit, and curb any criminalities.
-Medical personnel will be sanctioned at rally points to assess those in need, and help prevent unnecessary spread of disease.
-Preparation of public transportation methods to be provided at the start of day three.

Day 3 (12:01 AM Saturday, 2/19)

-Declaration of MANDATORY evacuation to those remaining at muster stations.
-Roads/waterways closed to public use.
-The government will provide public transportation to designated safe havens. These methods include military buses, high-speed railways, and all applicable resources.
-Safe havens will correspond to each muster station. These safe havens will include elementary and university institutions, private real estate holdings/ hotels, ect.)
-At each safe haven, supplies will be provided by the CPC and national aid organizations.
-The CPC will take advantage of the entire nation’s resources to fulfill supply requirements (medicinal/hygienic, food/water, clothing, ect.)
-Resulting from muster station tallies, the most heavily populated coordinates will be evacuated first.

Day 4 ( 12:01 AM Sunday, 2/20)

-Continuation of mandatory evacuation by density proportions.
-Military presence will facilitate evacuation.

Day 5 ( 12:01 AM Monday, 2/21)

-Continuation of mandatory evacuation.

Day 6 ( 12:01 AM Tuesday, 2/22)

-End of Mandatory evacuation
-Military personnel will scan the city to address any remaining issues as a “last check.”
Day 7 ( 12:01 AM Wednesday, 2/23)

-Continuation of “last check” procedures
-a “buffer” day, in which situations at safe havens will be assessed and issues addressed.

The city will be closed to all at the conclusion of the day (11:59 PM).

The above seven day course of action is the most efficient method of evacuating such heavily populated regions. I wish to put emphasis on the vitality of military presence in facilitating the evacuation and maintaining security. Martial law will be essential in ensuring that resources are allocated efficiently, and both voluntary and mandatory evacuation periods operate smoothly. In addition, those in need of medical assistance will be accounted for. As stated above, the Communist Party of China will utilize every reserve to prevent the spread of disease and supply proper necessities.

Three days following the incident, the populace will be released from their havens and allowed to return to their homes. The CPC will provide the same methods to transport individuals to their coordinates/muster station. Depending on the extent of the damage, the central government will do its best to compensate affected families. Safe havens will remain operable until separate living arrangements can be arranged for those suffering substantial asset loss. Transportation will be readily available to those in need.

The Communist Party of China will be communicating with the public around the clock to maintain contemporary status updates. Following the above protocol and remaining tranquil is elemental in executing the smooth evacuation of Beijing’s 22 million inhabitants. I encourage everyone to pray in this time of distress, and rest assured that the executive powers are doing everything in their powers to properly handle this threat.

Thank you for your cooperation,

President Hu Jintao

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