Post-asteroid Impact Response Plan

Posted by President Podkopayeva Wednesday, February 23, 2011

- The evacuation was a success. We got the majority of the population out of the city, and remaining 250,000 were safely housed in the depths of the metro system as well as the military garrison that was stationed there
- Only ~ 30% of the city was leveled. There are pockets of residential areas that are restorable due to small size of the asteroids that impacted.
- The military units stationed there are currently getting a more detailed assessment of the damage. We are starting to build residential units near the perimeter of the city which will house people while the city is being rebuilt
- In the meantime, work will be done on the refugee camps to make them more habitable while the residents wait for the residential units to be completed
- Those that have family or friends elsewhere will be provided transportation (within reason) to other parts of the country
- Martial law is still in effect and all of those who are conscripted will be responsible for the rebuilding of this great city.
- Those that lived in areas that are somewhat habitable will be allowed to return. Those that lived in flattened areas will not be allowed to reenter the city at this time.
- One of the first rebuilding projects will be to rebuild government buildings. Private businesses are on their own.


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