The Populace's Response to Vampires

Posted by Raina Ivanovna Petrova Monday, February 28, 2011

Dear Editor,

The news of this outbreak of vampires is shocking! I didn’t think vampires existed, nevertheless were walking among us. I mean, they’re supposed to be fictional monsters easily warded off by garlic and a crucifix. But now, they’re out there, indistinguishable from the general populace of the world. What are we supposed to do?

As I am not privy to the President and Minister of Defense’s plans, I feel that I, as a representative of the populace of Russia must develop my own, just to be on the safe side. If I had the choice to either befriend the vampires or to fight against them, I would choose to join them. I would do everything in my power not to anger them, as they are superior creatures to the human race and could easily annihilate us.

Also, I believe I can speak on behalf of the Russian populace, both members of the population displaced by the asteroid, as well as those who are safe and sound in the comfort of their homes, when I say that we are dissatisfied in the way the Russian government and military have responded to our current situation.

Our brothers, fathers, and sons between the ages of 18-35 have be conscripted to work as laborers to rebuild the industrial areas of Moscow, while the residential areas, including our homes lay in piles of rubble. Meanwhile, the military has forced us to stay in these “camps” where the conditions are less than habitable. They say the current conditions are only temporary, but I think that is a lie. And for those who were not displaced by the asteroids, the government is stealing resources and supplies, commandeering everything, including money and people, without any compensation or regard. I feel that they could have done a lot more with the power they possess in a way that is reassuring and respectable to the people. After all, there are many more of us than there are of them.

This being said, I believe that joining forces and recruiting the vampires to help the populace would be very beneficial if a stand is taken against the government. The vampires would serve as a “special weapon” of sorts and allow us to overwhelm and overpower the government and military once and for all. The extra advantage of the support of the vampires would force the government to think twice about its actions, as they can’t shoot us all.

Overall, I feel that everyone should think carefully about their response to this outbreak of vampires. We don’t know a lot about them, and what we do know is based on myths. I think the first step is to educate us, and then try to make peace with them. This “pandemic” doesn’t have to be detrimental to the populace of Russia. It could, in fact, make us stronger than ever.


A Concerned Citizen


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