MOD Action Plan- Blood Borne Infectius Disease

Posted by Will Ziegler Monday, February 28, 2011

***Russian Federation Ministry of Defence Official Action Plan***

***Addressing Threats of Vampire Infection***

Recent events have confirmed the existence of an infectious disease, which results in the necessity to feed upon human blood as well as increased physical capabilities which has been known in folklore as vampirism.

The confirmation of the existence of this disease raises concerns as to what potential threats this infection holds to the Russian populace. While it can be assumed that this disease has existed for much of modern history, the public recognition of this infection may create threats to both the civilian and infected populations.

There is a lack of scientific studies to guide government action at this time and therefore all precautions must be taken as until empirical data can be attained as to how the infection is spread and what threats and biological changes occur as a result of infection.

In the interim it is the military’s opinion that the infected population must be separated from the general population. This is to protect those who are uninfected as well as to inhibit violence and rioting among the general population. Preliminary data from interviews with the infected have confirmed that exposure to sunlight is fatal to the infected and therefore a curfew will be enacted from dusk until dawn. Those who are found outside of their homes during curfew will be detained.

Those who are confirmed to be infected are to be transferred to settlements in the north of Siberia which are to be clear of uninfected residents. These settlements will be managed by the military. These camps are not to serve as prisons but instead serve to isolate the infected population until scientific studies are completed to assess the infection.

Because the only known way to identify an infected individual is to expose the individual to sunlight, military units are to be issued ultraviolet lights in order to briefly expose suspected persons to artificial sunlight. Additionally the refugee camps are to be issued UV light gateways which all entering or leaving must pass through. This will serve to separate the infected population. Violence towards those infected is not to be condoned by the military.

If you suspect that a member of your community is infected please report them to the nearest police or military unit for interrogation.

We do not with the separation of races to be a permanent solution but instead a temporary measure for the protection of all. The cooperation of all citizens is required and we urge all to remain calm.

Anitoly Serdyukov

Russian Federation Ministry of Defence


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