The Council's Statements on Vampires

Posted by Jon Moore Monday, February 28, 2011

The Communist Party of China:

Vampire Response Mechanism

President Hu Jintao


I have recently received some controversial information regarding the presence of an unfamiliar form of the human race, the vampire. This news came as a complete shock to me, and the executive Council of the Communist Party collectively. However, the Intel appears to be reputable and calls for a corresponding governmental procedure.

It seems as though the existence of vampires in our contemporary society is not an immediate threat to humanity. With that being said, I wish to relay the information accessible to me at this time:

-The vampires are not a direct threat to humanity, that is, synthetic blood is available to nourish these creatures.

-A statistical sample shows that the numbers are immense; these creatures are likely to exist at all hierarchical levels of society, even in the executive bureaus themselves.

-Common fictionalized knowledge of the nature of these creatures is somewhat false; the vampires cannot fly, they are sensitive to light, and are much faster and stronger than ordinary humans.

-The mere presence of the unusual life form does not necessarily connote a threat to the well being of our nation; these creatures have been observed to function ordinarily in society.

The Council is aware of the above, and encourages any private individuals or enterprises to bring forth any additional information. The Council has decided that the best possible response to this concern is to effectively integrate the vampires into society, give them the rights and benefits of ordinary citizens, and cooperate generously with them. If the vampires pose no external threat other than the inclination to assume so simply because they are a foreign species, then China will be able to benefit from the characteristics and specialties of these creatures both socially and economically.

The vampires will be treated as an ordinary minority population. By giving them the rights of every citizen, the desire to rebel/protest will be diminished substantially. The vampires must be given the motivation to exploit their physical advantages towards the expansion and betterment of society. In doing so, I believe these creatures will be able to improve the efficiency and sustainability of our economic system by contributing characteristics unattainable through humans.

I wish to close this message by asserting that if the vampires misuse the benefits of integration or evolve into a legitimate threat, then the Council will take necessary action to punish any perpetrators in litigation procedures identical to any law breaking criminal. Please rest assured that this event termed "The Great Revelation" will interfere minimally with the Council's obligations towards those affected by the recent cosmic impact. Further scientific funding will be provided in order to identify every aspects of these creatures.

President Hu Jintao


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