North American Update

Posted by BarryB Wednesday, February 23, 2011

  • 93% of the people in the evacuation zones were sufficently cleared and moved to safe zones
  • An estimated 32.567% of the New York Metropolitan zone is uninhabitable
  • 12% of hospital patients were not able to be evacuated. the majority of those left behind were immobile or terminally ill
  • Refugees are being contained in their relocation zones have have ample food and water to last 2 months
  • During the evacuation, several zones were, for a time, not under government control due to rioting and other misconduct. Order in the relocation zones has been established and constant.
  • Millions of dollars have been donated by the rest of the population to help erect semi perminant structures in the re location camps.
  • Dispite government reassurances, public anxiety has not been reduced sigfigantly, as many citizens will not accept the fact that danger does not persist.
  • Millions of citizens have attend vigils and sent prayer cards to benifit the refugees.


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